Weekly Grumble - Battle Royale on a Toaster

Paid Game or Free to Play, they're all just as bad

Ah, battle royale games, the current 'in thing' for gaming.

As you can tell by the title, I'm not their biggest fan. I'll hold my hand up and say some of it stems from the fact, I'm just horrendous at them.

But, the other part is, and it is maybe my age, is that I just don't get what is so addictive about them?

Let's take Fortnite as an example, you can't go anywhere online at present without someone posting a gameplay clip, or a news outlet sharing details obsessively about the latest season.

Whilst I get that its a big sensation at present, it's overwhelming our feeds. I don't want to see the 4 billionth clip of someone scoring a victory royale moment, bar the odd one, they are all THE SAME. This goes for the news articles as well, I like to read up on the latest news within the gaming industry but now its a game of hide and seek in amongst all of the Fortnite articles.

Look, I get that there is a demand for them at present, but this is too much at present - for me its oversaturation and this will only get worse as Call of Duty and Battlefield are jumping on the bandwagon. I suspected COD would tack on a battle royale mode, but I'd hoped Battlefield wouldn't succumb. I was wrong.

It's not going to stop me buying the new Battlefield, I'm not that arsey, and I will probably give it a go, but I'd rather they didn't include it if I'm honest as it could potentially* by at the detriment to other areas of the game.

Now, I know graphics don't make a game, but at least Fortnite has a fun and cartoony style to it. PUBG, on the other hand, looks like a circa 2005 game.

Trying to follow the crowd has its downfalls - just look at the damage The Culling 2 has done to itself by trying to be more like PUBG and Fortnite.

I firmly believe that if the battle royale genre was hoarded by Bethesda, we would have it on a toaster by now. Given how many consoles Skyrim has been released on.

Whoever came up with the idea for monetizing dances and outfits for Fortnite is a genius, as they are RAKING IT IN because as gamers, we lap that shit up. (Granted I hate microtransactions but I've already covered that grumble before).


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