Xbox - Sea of Thieves - Review

Sailing the high seas can be a lonely place if you forget to bring a crew with you


For what it does contain, Sea of Thieves does it very well. The ships sail wonderfully, its light and fun to pick up and play, and you can easily grab a crew of friends and sail the high seas.

However, and its a fairly big one, there isn't a lot of to this game, outside 2/3 enemy models and the same loop of getting a map, sailing across the map, digging up said treasure and then sailing back (with the occasion PVP battle thrown in). That's all. No real customization, no ship upgrades, no story or much else. If you are playing on your own, this can get very boring very quickly.


The sea is the highlight here - it looks absolutely incredible. Everything else is fine, cartoony style but nothing groundbreaking and a little repetitive in terms of textures and models.

Take away line:

This is one of those occasions where playing with yourself, is probably the least enjoyable option.


As a solo experience, it's really poor.
Yes, you can successfully man a boat on your own, but it quickly gets very quiet and in most cases, you'll easily be beaten should you cross paths with a crew of 4.

I'm not always a fan of games that make you play with other people, so it's a shame that this doesn't allow an enjoyable solo experience for those times when you don't have the time (or mood) to play online with friends or strangers.


The post-launch content has helped improve the mood around this game, but sadly, I'm still not sold. Still a 6 out of 10 for me.


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